Documents Online Create unique eSignature
Completely free and the most powerful eSignature generator on the market. Easily draw, type, or use AI to create your online signature and then sign your PDF document.
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Sign any type of document
We support all types of documents, including NDAs, invoices, contracts, agreements, SOWs, proposals, tax forms, and more.
Start signing your document
What is an electronic signature?
An electronic signature is the digital equivalent of a handwritten signature, used to confirm a person's intent to approve or accept a document.
Use our AI signature generator to add a new level of personalization to your digital signatures.
Our service is completely free — no account is needed to sign documents.
How it works?
You can draw, type, or use AI to create your own online signature, then download it as a .PNG image to insert into any document. Alternatively, sign documents directly on our platform.
Use your tablet, touchpad, mobile device, or mouse to draw your eSignature.
Simply type your full name and customize it with our easy-to-use settings.
Once finished, save your signature as a .PNG file to use in any document.
Why us
Simplicity, powerful features, and the latest trends — all in one place.
Signing documents should be simple. We let you do it for free, even without an account. We offer all the features you need and help you stay up-to-date with the latest market trends.
We use a 256-bit SSL connection. No data is saved on our servers.
Any device
Use your mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or any device to work with us.
We offer many options to customize your signature: adjust the angle, size, color, and more.
Our signatures are legally binding. You can use them wherever you need.
Our AI technology adds a unique touch to the online signature process.
We're working on integrating our tool with the most popular use cases and software on the market.
We support a wide range of formats
Our application supports popular document format such as PDF. Regarding images, we support PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, and even less common ones like SVG and GIF. Need to work with scanned files or photos? No problem, we’ll help with this use case too.
Your personality based on signature traits
Large size
Confidence and a desire for recognition
Small size
Humility and a more reserved nature
Ascending angle
Ambition, optimism, and creativity
Descending angle
Skepticism or pessimism
Balance and organization
Need for recognition
Assertiveness and enthusiasm
Slanted Right
Extroversion, sociability, and a future-oriented mindset
Slanted Left
Introversion, caution, and a tendency to focus on the past
Large size
Confidence and a desire for recognition
Small size
Humility and a more reserved nature
Ascending angle
Ambition, optimism, and creativity
Descending angle
Skepticism or pessimism
Balance and organization
Need for recognition
Assertiveness and enthusiasm
Slanted Right
Extroversion, sociability, and a future-oriented mindset
Slanted Left
Introversion, caution, and a tendency to focus on the past
Long Tail
Persistence, thoroughness, and possibly a flair for dramatics
Short Tail
Practicality, focus on essentials, and minimalism
Disconnected Letters
Analytical thinking, independence, and a preference for clarity
Connected Letters
Fluidity, adaptability, and a strong connection to others
Zigzag Style
Energy, unpredictability, and a dynamic nature
Closed Loops in Letters
Discipline, caution, and a preference for structure
Open Loops in Letters
Open-mindedness, flexibility, and a willingness to explore new ideas
Dense or Overlapping
Intensity, focus, and potentially a tendency toward secrecy or complexity
Spiral or Swirl Elements
Creativity, curiosity, and a unique perspective on life
Long Tail
Persistence, thoroughness, and possibly a flair for dramatics
Short Tail
Practicality, focus on essentials, and minimalism
Disconnected Letters
Analytical thinking, independence, and a preference for clarity
Connected Letters
Fluidity, adaptability, and a strong connection to others
Zigzag Style
Energy, unpredictability, and a dynamic nature
Closed Loops in Letters
Discipline, caution, and a preference for structure
Open Loops in Letters
Open-mindedness, flexibility, and a willingness to explore new ideas
Dense or Overlapping
Intensity, focus, and potentially a tendency toward secrecy or complexity
Spiral or Swirl Elements
Creativity, curiosity, and a unique perspective on life
Let's play
Quiz: Can you identify the famous person behind this signature?
Take a minute of fun. Can you distinguish Frank Sinatra's signature from Steve Jobs? Or Winston Churchill from Walt Whitman?
This signature belongs to one of the best their acquirers: which one?
Winston Churchill
Walt Whitman
Warren Christopher
Woodrow Wilson
Digital Transformation Blog
Discover the latest trends, tips, and insights about electronic signatures and digital signatures. We also cover information about recent laws
Frequently asked questions
Do I need to register?+
No, we let you do all actions without registration - directly on our side. No need for an account, trial, credit card, or anything else. Just quickly get done what you need.
Is your service free?+
Yes, we want to make eSignatures free for everybody. You can do everything completely for free and even without an account.
What format will an image of my signature be in?+
You will download it in .PNG format. PNG is the best format to add to any type of document as it supports transparency and high-quality compression.
Does my online signature need to match the one on my passport?+
No. An electronic signature is valid because it represents the intent to sign, approve, or accept. But not because it looks the same as in your passport.
Do you store my signature in your system?+
No. We respect your privacy and want to be 100% legally complaint. Because of it we don’t store anything on our servers or in our system.